Unique offers

Boost your customers' loyalty with exclusive benefits..

Tickets to sporting events, exceptional discounts, VIP access to airport lounges and unforgettable experiences.

Discover how our offers can transform their daily lives and strengthen their attachment to your brand.

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Discounts of choice

Offer your customers exclusive discounts with our trusted partners. Offer unique benefits that will enrich their experience and strengthen their loyalty. Make every purchase a special occasion and set yourself apart by offering unique privileges.

30% reduction

Beauty, Perfumes

20% reduction


15% reduction

Streaming Services

15% reduction

Car rental



30% reduction


Escale VIP: Offer your customers privileged access.

To over 1,100 airport lounges worldwide. With Fast Track service, avoid queues and enjoy comfort and exclusivity before every flight. Turn waiting into a luxurious moment of relaxation, and set yourself apart by offering this unique experience.

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Unforgettable moments

Access the most exclusive events with our premium ticketing service.

Whether it's a sports match, concert, art exhibition or show, offer your customers tickets reserved especially for them. Make sure they don't miss out on any must-see events, and build loyalty by offering them unforgettable experiences.

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Unique discoveries

Imagine your customers exploring a museum by night, cooking alongside a Michelin-starred chef or flying over the Châteaux de la Loire. These exclusive, unforgettable experiences are designed to turn every moment into a precious memory. Offer exceptional moments that will strengthen their loyalty and deliver unique emotions.

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What are you waiting for?

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